Meant to contact you earlier than this but better late than never....the difference in Jethro since you visited him a couple of weeks ago has been like night & day & I can't thank you enough. He has really come into himself & is looking absolutely amazing, I kept thinking when you left that he might just go back to being sad old unconfident Jethro but he has totally surprised me, I also kept feeling along his spine to make sure the groove hadn't returned & it hasn't...he goes bounding round the field with that fabulous trot of his, he doesn't look gangly anymore, he will now be tied up & let you brush his mane for you know It takes about an hour to brush it as it's so long & thick, he woul never have stood that long before, not in a million years! Everything has just fallen into place & I'm so relieved, so much so that I've decided not to put him away to be reschooled, I'm going to potter about with him myself under the watchful eye of my instructor as everything we have done with him since you've been he has taken in his stride. Before you came I couldn't even put his headcollar on & take him up the drive as he would just pull me back to the field, not anymore......
Thankyou thankyou thankyou......let me know when you are next up as I would really like you to meet Molly (at long last)
PAULSYxx :-)
Update on 12th November 2007
Hiya Isobel,
Hope you are all well?! Just thought I’d send you an up to date photograph of my boy Jethro, see if you can spot the difference from the last picture I sent you?! Obviously I’m being a bit cheeky…it’s like night & day! I rebacked him myself in the summer as you know but didn’t really get him going until a couple of months ago. He is just a different horse altogether, he still lacks a bit of confidence but this is growing every day & I hope to show him next season.
Are you coming back again anytime?? Would be nice to catch up with you again!
Best Regards