
From the hearts of the people and their horses

From Brenda & Max  










































Hi Isobel

You came to Brownrigg to visit us on Friday 30th March, and before I get into why I'm writing to you, I need to remind you that you were going to send us details about a book on medicinal folk law and also details for Alison re the cranial work you do. If you remember, while you were here you saw my old fella Max - 33 years, big, chestnut, white face. Although I would have said he and I got on well before your visit, afterwards it was almost as if we could touch each others souls - that probably sounds fanciful but it's the only way I can describe it. Over that weekend we seemed more and more bonded and then on the Monday he had his usual routine during the day and then in the evening I brought him out, gave him a good grooming and took him for a walk in the hay field. Then I let him off and just sat on the grass and talked to him while he grazed beside me and it was one of the most peaceful experiences I've ever had.

The next day I turned him out as usual with the others and he died in the field - probably from a heart attack. Although it was a shock to find him and I had a tearful few hours, since then, whenever I think of him, the thought comes into my head that it was right. In the past when I have lost an animal it takes me a few weeks to get over it - in fact one dog that died 20 years ago can still make me weepy when I think of her. I've considered that maybe I'm still in shock about Max and that the floodgates will open eventually - but I don't think so. I'm not sure why I feel the need to tell you what has happened to him but I do so I'm going with the flow. I think you opened a channel - probably in my mind because his would already have been open - and it enabled me to feel truly bonded with him and that feeling was such a privilege and I have you to thank for it and I just wanted you to know that.

Love, Brenda x

Copyright © 2007 Isobel Hogton