Just a quick update on Albert from Stanley in Perth
I managed to get hold of the osteopath and he treated Albert this morning. As you suspected the wither area and his pelvis area were in need of treatment. Albert coped well with this and he has to be lightly ridden tomorrow.
We got to our dressage and he was such a good boy, managing 8 marks and extremly positive comments from the judge. She even asked if he was sale afterwards, you can imagine my negative response and "not on your nelly" was said.
I managed to het hold of the breeder in Ireland who told me he was sold at weaning so this is why he was stressed with his Mum. You mentionned when you were here something about a coloured horse, I have since found out that believe it or not, his sire was a coloured showjumper grade A.
Lesley McNaughton 15 April 2005